Last month we watched as a rescue of nearly 30 pugs from a Mississippi backyard breeder took place. To help support their efforts, we donated $100 to Pug Hearts of Houston (top photo showing the rescued pugs heading to safety), $100 to Dallas Pug Rescue (second photo showing more of the rescued pugs), and $100 to Mid-Atlantic Pug Rescue (third photo showing Cherokee’s improvement after some TLC).
Here’s what Pug Hearts wrote about the rescue on their Facebook page:
Most emotional for all of us, PugHearts sent a team of ladies to Mississippi to help in the closure of a breeding facility. I did not take the journey with them…but I was there in my heart and mind every step of the way.
You see, I have been in this situation before and I had my suspicions of what they would deal with.
These ladies are HEROES and they deserve all of our appreciation.
This is not a comment on the owner or the dogs, just my opinions.
No one…I do not care who you are….can adequately care for 30+ animals living in an outdoor “enclosure”. It cannot be done.
So, I knew the pugs (and 2 Frenchie we brought back to Short Mugs Rescue) would be dirty, have poop covered feet, fleas and/or ticks and multiple medical issues that required urgent care.
I was not wrong.
As I was not there and I will not make comments about this location or owner….I will simply tell you what these ladies brought back to Houston.
Memories of this experience that will be remembered forever and will change how they look at and feel about rescue for as long as they live.
PugHearts brought back 6 Pugs in need of:
Baths….multiple needed for each pug as they were filthy
Dentals on all 6
Spays for the 5 females and a neuter for the male
One untreated snake bite from several months/a year ago
Long nails
Ear infections
One ruptured eye
Skin infections
Quality food….the gas in the car was beyond words to describe (so I am told)
***Time, patience, housebreaking and trust. These will take the longest and will be the hardest for these pugs to accept.***
Why do we do this?
Why do we ask for funds to help?
Because the pugs did not choose this.
Because the pugs deserve better (as do all dogs)
Because it is simply the right thing to do
Because we mean it when we say…….
A gentle reminder to please support your local pug rescues. They’re doing great work!