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leadership and the inauguration

Today I say to you that the challenges we face are real. They are serious and they are many. They will not be met easily or in a short span of time. But know this, America: They will be met.

Fresh off a whirlwind week that included watching President Obama’s swearing in and speech on a stuttering internet feed, a walk by Lafayette Park prior to the inaugural parade, and the golden opportunity of an inaugural ball, I find myself reflecting on President Obama’s first week and how the role of the President dovetails into one of Tranquil Space Foundation’s triad – leadership.

America has a new leader in the White House. You don’t necessarily need to subscribe to President Obama’s politics or philosophy to recognize key elements of leadership in his inaugural address. Perhaps one of the most difficult aspects of leadership is being the person to bring bad news during trying times… but that is only half of it. A leader must also offer inspiration and even the tools to find the way out, and it’s always best to be honest about the challenges that way out poses.

Many of our TranquilTeens participants identify family members, presidents, organizers and mayors as examples of leaders… it will be interesting to see how they view leadership as we continue through these trying economic times in 2009 and beyond.

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